The show for driven leaders who want to maximize their performance & pursue greatness. Discover how you can build the mindset + leadership skills required to maximize your impact & the output of your team each week with Compete Every Day's Jake Thompson.

Learn what mental, habitual, & influential skills elite leaders leverage to succeed in their professional and personal lives. Our episodes are motivating - but they go beyond a fire that fades by providing actual takeaways that both new & experienced leaders can implement to create a competitive edge within themselves & their organizations.

For more information on how you can build a competitive edge in your career, visit

Latest Episodes

One Reason to Give Yourself Grace

One of the hardest things a high performer can do is give themselves grace for a mistake - but here's why you should and how learning to can help you ultimately perfor...

A Massive Key to Being a High Performance with Dr. Ruth Gotian

Jake sits down with high-performance thought leader Dr. Ruth Gotian to discuss key findings with high performance in the workplace, including motivation, rewards, and ...

An Exercise to Being More Productive

Inspired by a coaching conversation, try this four-step method to improve your productivity on priorities.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset ...

The Horseshoe Relationship of Confidence & Imposter Syndrome with Rocky Garza

Coach Rocky Garza is focused on helping people 'kill doubt & build confidence.' In today's episode, he and Jake discuss the challenges of his childhood, the work to br...

What is "Perfect" Costing You?

What progress do we end up costing ourselves by looking for 'perfect' in the current moment?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's ...

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