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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 815 in total

The Seismic Shift in Leadership with Michelle Johnston

Executive coach and university professor Dr. Michelle Johnston joins today's show to discuss her new book and the power of connection within leadership and today's hyb...

Why Everything Changes When a Leader Does This

Once someone in a position of influence begins to intentionally do this one thing, it permeates throughout a culture and changes how well a team can collaborate toward...

The Power of Mentoring Relationships with Andy Lopata

Six-time author and professional speaker Andy Lopata joins today's show to discuss the power of mentoring for both the mentor and mentee. Lopata is an acclaimed profes...

How to Use Failures to Build You Instead of Break You

Learn from research on how to leverage failures to fuel your motivation to improve instead of allowing it to encourage you to quit.Shop the BRAND NEW Summer Capsule fe...

The Power of a Company's Story for Attracting Talent with Rachel Kennedy

LinkedIn branding coach and speaker Rachel Kennedy joins today's show to discuss how cultures can grow by empowering their employees to build out their personal brands...

Just Do Your Job

Leaning on the Bill Belichek coaching philosophy of "do your job," what does that look like for leaders today, and why is it more than just what our job description sa...

If I Could Have One Birthday Wish, It Would Be This (For You)

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Fight for Your Independence (From These Thoughts)

In the spirit of Independence Day, learn steps to reclaim your freedom from tyranneous internal stories & limiting beliefs.___________________Continue building your Co...

Fighting Shame to Find Growth

Learn why instead of hiding our setbacks, we should face the shame and obstacle in order to better overcome them.___________________Continue building your Competitor M...

Push the Sled with DJ Hillier

Mental performance coach DJ Hillier joins today's episode to talk mindset and the release of his new book, Push the Sled.Connect with DJ on Instagram here.Order DJ's b...

Filling Silence with Not-So-Good Things

When we don’t communicate consistently, we can run into the problems of negativity and doubt filling the silence for our teams.___________________Continue building you...

Say Less, Get More with Negotiation Expert & Author Fotini Iconomopoulos

Take Fotini's FREE quiz for insights here.Negotiation expert and author of Say Less, Get More Fotini Iconomopoulos on how to improve our ask for what we want. We discu...

How Well Do You Know Your People?

If you were given a test on your 200 team members, how well would you you do? This is a lesson on relational deposits and a great culture because, as leaders, it's imp...

What Happens If You Stop After a Setback?

Hear this powerful story from a comedy legend and what it's imperative to not quit after one failure.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after...

Tips for Leading Teams in Multiple Locations with Civitas Senior Living's Anthony Ormsbee-Hale

Civitas Senior Living's Senior VP of Strategic Operations Anthony Ormsbee-Hale joins today show to discuss tips for leading teams in multiple locations. As a senior VP...

Leaving Something in the Tank

Why 'leaving something in the tank' is actually just preparing your excuse ahead of time.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's epi...

Heading into Work with Optimistic Wonder with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Bob Lefkowitz

Order Dr. Bob Lefkowitz's book here.2012 Nobel Prize winner and Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at Duke University Dr. Bob Lefkowitz ...

The Power of a Leader's Words

The power of the words we use has more potential than most people understand. Leverage this power as a leader to grow your influence.___________________Continue buildi...

The Story Needs a Struggle

Every great story needs a struggle - finish May with some encouragement on how to reframe the setbacks into something much more productive.___________________Continue ...

Being a Competitive Athlete While Building a Professional Career with HYROX Ambassador Alex Shabo

Realtor & HYROX ambassador Alex Shabo joins the podcast to discuss how she balances her athletic love with growing her professional career. We discuss vulnerability & ...

One Choice That Separates Great Careers from Average Ones

It's not enough to learn about your blind spots - great careers are determined by those who act upon their knowledge. ___________________Continue building your Competi...

Being Purposeful & Intentional with Your Team's Culture with Angie McGilvrey of APEX Physical Therapy

Grab YOUR copy of 'PT Runs Free' on Amazon here.APEX Physical Therapy's co-founder Angie McGilvrey joins the show to discuss the importance of integrating your purpose...

What If You Changed the Focus of the Game You're Playing?

What if you stopped trying to win just this week - and started making choices to win the next 5 years? How would that impact your grit, relationships, and growth?_____...

Building a Great Life Now vs. Waiting Until You Get *There* with Steve Riley of Atticus Advantage

Atticus Advantage partner Steve Riley joins the show to discuss the importance of building a great life while you're building an impactful career instead of falling in...

How to Use Sundays to Set Up a Winning Week

Learn the 10-minute ritual Jake does every Sunday to set up wins during his upcoming week.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's ep...

Olympic Gold Medalist Caryn Davies on Gratitude, Performance, & the Boring Work

Grab the new Manifesto / Strong Sailor drops here!Three-time Olympic medalist and recipient of the 2023 Thomas Keller Medal (lifetime achievement in rowing) Caryn Davi...

One Reason to Give Yourself Grace

One of the hardest things a high performer can do is give themselves grace for a mistake - but here's why you should and how learning to can help you ultimately perfor...

A Massive Key to Being a High Performance with Dr. Ruth Gotian

Jake sits down with high-performance thought leader Dr. Ruth Gotian to discuss key findings with high performance in the workplace, including motivation, rewards, and ...

An Exercise to Being More Productive

Inspired by a coaching conversation, try this four-step method to improve your productivity on priorities.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset ...

The Horseshoe Relationship of Confidence & Imposter Syndrome with Rocky Garza

Coach Rocky Garza is focused on helping people 'kill doubt & build confidence.' In today's episode, he and Jake discuss the challenges of his childhood, the work to br...

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